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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Road Safety: A History of Advocacy

Road Safety: A History of Advocacy

For almost as long as there has been insurance, insurers have been involved in efforts to prevent losses that would lead to claims. Not only does this make good business sense, but it gives insurers the opportunity to use their knowledge of risk management to make a positive contribution to society. Nowhere is this positive influence more evident than in the area of road safety.

Many of today’s most effective road safety measures are the result, in part, of insurer advocacy. Insurers have long been leaders in the push for universal use of seatbelts, with efforts that have led Canada to seatbelt-usage rates close to 90%. The industry also played a big role in the introduction of (GDL) in the 1990s, and continues to push for stronger GDL programs in several provinces.

Insurers have also advocated for stronger penalties for drinking and driving and for more effective enforcement of laws surrounding this issue. And as new road safety concerns – like driver distraction and the issue of aging drivers – emerge, insurers will be on the front lines, helping to identify the factors that lead to increased risk, and working to implement measures that will keep our roads safe.

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