The Recovery of Cars Stolen for Sale Abroad
Cars are often stolen for resale in another country. Once a stolen car leaves Canada, it is usually very difficult to find and/or return to its owner. IBC operates a service to recover cars stolen for export.
Recovering the stolen cars before they leave Canada
Early detection and timely exchange of information are the keys to recovering stolen cars before they leave the country. To this end, IBC facilitates the flow of information among police forces (local, provincial and federal), federal government agencies and export companies. Stopping a car before it leaves Canada minimizes losses for insurance companies (who avoid the cost of international shipping) and prevents the need for legal and administrative wrangling with other jurisdictions.
Getting the cars back to Canada
If a car cannot be prevented from leaving the country, all is not lost. IBC has agreements and procedures in place with governments in many countries that:
- facilitate the exchange of information necessary for police in the country where the car ends up to detect, catch and prosecute international thieves; and
- allow IBC to return the car(s) to Canada in a minimum amount of time and at a minimum expense.
Who pays and how much?
The insurance company that pays the claim for the stolen car (and, therefore, owns the car) is responsible for all costs incurred in the process of recovering it. Insurance Bureau of Canada charges a service fee for recovery that differs depending on whether or not the insurance company is a member of IBC.
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