The IBC/Wingham Rain Barrel Pilot Project
The Town of Wingham has been chosen by Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) as the only Canadian community to partner with IBC on an exciting pilot project.
Sewer back-ups resulting from increased rainfall are a growing problem for many communities, including Wingham. Water run-off from roofs and driveways during intense rainfall results in overloaded sewer systems leading to sewer back-ups and the discharge of untreated and contaminated water.
The pilot project will help us measure two important things. First, it will measure to what degree rain barrels reduce water run-off and sewer back-ups during intense rain storms. Second, it will measure how much of a reduction there is on the demand for expensive, township-treated water when homeowners use collected rainwater for gardening, washing cars and other outdoor chores.
To make it work, we need your help. The success of the pilot project depends on the participation of all Wingham homeowners. The results will be shared with municipalities across the country who may decide to start similar programs.
Why get involved?
There are many benefits to getting involved:
- Reduce/eliminate the risk of your house or property being flooded.
- Save money on your water bill.
- Reduce demand for township-treated water.
- Do your part to help reduce the number of sewer overload incidences in the Wingham community.
- Help the environment and set an example for other communities.
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